Sunday, August 28, 2011


Offlate, I have learnt that most of the things in life seem harder to accept because we live in world which is with in and is an illusion . It may be an ambition or a threat. We are driven by those thoughts. If all what we were chasing were true we would never be unhappy, for all the reality accepted gives peace and happiness. Nevertheless, the following thought stuck my mind today ..

Human beings are social animals. We are still animals. Animals follow instinct. They are born, they eat, they live, reproduce and die. If we are animals too..we too follow the same? The various threads of culture and civilisations which has been woven into our very soul and self has changed the thought process. Although this may be an expression of the instinct based colonization, what would drive human beings to move away from nature for ages? The very first step we took was the establishment of the perishing relationships in the name of living as a herd. These have only led to the development of the advancements such as medicine, engineering and others. The man  never stops to think what exactly would keep him happy than to chase life for happiness. Millions of people have come to this earth, suffered the agony of life and moved on. Those unwritten stories have left a message equally worth of those who have written auto biographies. The war within is still the same whether expressed or unexpressed. The power of rationalization is fading away as the generations pass by leaving behind weary prints of our origin.  Get ready as  we may evolve into some other creatures. Just the way we came from monkeys.