Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What the fish!!???

Another major learning!! I have been having a few conversations with my friends..which opened the doors to more wisdom.

Observations: We tend to talk about people on their back..( Obviously not good things) , we tend to get defensive when we know that some one is back biting us..

Inferences: We back bite when we get in secured on what we have, when we don't enjoy the success of others the way we do our own success, we don't know what to do, when we find some one vulnerable. We only say we respect but donno how to spell it

We get defensive because we are afraid every one knows our secrets. Some where in the bottom of the heart we know we can do better but we are lazy and always make excuses. We like to be respected though we dont respect others. We are not happy with what we have We want more

Prescription : All the ones who get defensive.wake up know your self better
The ones who talk behind the back.You need help ask for it!Nothng wrong in saying that you need help!

PS : If you are too pricy to accept..May your soul rest in peace

Monday, November 22, 2010

Who Am I?

I wake up with dreams and nightmares
I dress up to hear from some one
I am worried what would my neighbours say
I am unhappy to hear different about  myself
I think on what people think abt me and why they think so
I think why I am so and why notso
I tell myself dat I am bad and not
I correct myself for the language I speak
I compare myself toy colleagues, friends and others
I see  how the others suffer
I can't help but I tell myself that I have a reason
I prefer to be spoken well about
I get scared that people don't like me
I like to be an enigma and still want the people to be interested in me
I know and I don't know what I want
I fear disrespect from other
I die to be different
I love being pampered but cant pamper others
I search for my soul mate
I loathe myself and lookup to others
I am weak and strong
I am fat and thin
I feel eyes around me
I hear lips whispering
How strange there's so much with in me and still the world goes on
Who am I?
After all a human being?

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Off late based on my interactions, I have noticed that.there are so many things which keep happening in our daily life . Some within our control some out of our control. Irrespective of that, we are being controlled by them. We want to wake up in comfort, we want to get dressed well, we want to look good, we want to be surrounded by people, etc etc. Its so strange even if one of the elements miss we go into a kind of depression. We tend to shout at the ones who gave us the pain. We tend to remain to our selves, We avoid those we don't like. What we don't notice is that we are all in the illusion of control. Some one wouldn't change because you abused him. Some one wouldn't talk good about you because you don't like to be back bitten. Some one wouldn't respect you because you want it. These all have to happen involuntarily and naturally, just the way you breathe. Yet, if that would have been so easy life would have been so different. At least, we can avoid unnecessary thoughts by realizing the fact that true happiness doesn't lie in the untrue expectations from others when we ourselves are not. But then the question is Do we know what we are? The other questions which come along are: Can we accept our mistakes than blame others? Can we apologize when necessary? Do we respect others? Many more questions which always remain unanswered because we are scared of ourselves.