Monday, October 11, 2010

The Awakening

This is quite strange that there is so much of energy we have in our life when we work, we struggle  to keep up to our work commitments, to make time for our the ones we love, to be ahead of the race in the society, to cover our own inner insecurities, to be able to project some thing which we always wanted to be, to be able to live smiling every day, to be able to enjoy the luxuries everyday so that we can forget the daily pressures from peers, parents, siblings, friends and so called making up for what we lost. We sleep with no smile on face, wake up with no peace of mind, we sleep with our legs in our stomach, hugging the pillows for the comfort, we keep searching for the special one who can understand before we hardly utter a word, we fake a smile with a perception of facing the world, we cry when we are alone and some times we cry within , and sometimes we don't even know that we are crying until we find a shoulder, we sleep scared that we cant ope our heart to any one, we eat food as if we gotto run and we wouldn't wake up . We wake up only to realize that all the pain and suffering we went through is only like a chase of mirage. Its not real. The reality is in the heart. The happiness is in the heart. The true reason which would make us happy was not what we were running behind, not to live upto someone else's expectation, not to pretend being what we wanted to be. Its in the hearty smile we gave when we learnt some thing about our self, when we shared our small mistakes with some one and yet slept in peace, when we ate food on time, when we played with our friends and when we smiled the whole day without any flickering of our thoughts.

The unfortunate reality of life is that we do not learn this until we live in a state of illusion for a period of time . The day we wake up, we see ourselves neck deep in the swamp . Only because we woke up we are safe, else you wouldn't have ever opened our eyes.

The question we need to ask ourselves is..

" In this world of unlimited dreams and innumerable options, do I still want to live in the illusions of - control, happiness, power or do I want to be wide awake so that I can live life fully and in reality.

Quote Repeated.  " Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a Mystery but today is a present"

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