Sunday, October 17, 2010


Lesson from IceAge 2
" So..ellie thinks that she is a possum not a mammoth until she meets Manny. It takes time for her to realise that she is mammoth until manny tells her that she is similar to him and she is not small"

How very well was it portrayed that we don't know the strength we have within ourselves due to the company we have been living in since the birth. Well, It is true that we tend to form a habit because of the way we were raised, the people we grew up with and the impressions we had. This doesn't make any one less than positive. These experiences come by default as a part of the package. If we want to enjoy more luxuries, we need to subscribe for them by making more efforts of learning and being and more self awareness.

A few conversations with one of my friends told me that I have been under estimating my own power for quite some time now. May be I am not really as powerful as I think I am now, but the thought of being weaker makes it all the more.. weaker. Whatever is's a thought where did it originate!? Only I know the answer so would you..If there is anything which has made you feel the way you feel now..and what you feel now makes you suffocate need to re look at it from the bird's view. It will help you notice and learn many things which you wouldn't have ever thought of. about yourself.

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