Friday, October 8, 2010

Did You Notice!!???

 Did You ever notice ?
We are unhappy because we imagine what we want to happen over and over again, we hope the most positive results out of that, we live partially in the same world  but if it doesn't materialize, we remain unhappy and then the world seems upside down. We look at our own faults and the faults of the people around us. Some times, the most loved ones. The reality is nothing stops because of that. Life just goes on usually. We are just a speck of the world. Even if we were the most special ones in the world our charm would get withered away one day. So, the best way to live is not to expect anything from what you do. But the obstacle is..its not as easy to implement  as to say. That's the catch. If we don't expect we cant live life in this competitive world, if we live without expectations then we live like a cow.. Ummpph!!! To be able to be balanced is the trick . The world we can see is one hand..the world we imagine is on the other hand within ourselves. Its so tough to live with the world without one within.

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